About me

I am seeking an opportunity in an organization that will help me deliver my best, and upgrade my skill and meet the demands of the organization.

  • Languages :
    Javascript, Java, Python,
  • Web Development :
    HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Framework :
    React Framework
  • IT Constructs :
    OS, OPPS, DBMS, DS and Algorithms
  • Development Tools :
    VS Code, Pycharm
  • On HackerRank Successfully Achieved Certificate for the skill:-
    Problem solving (intermediate)
    Problem solving (Basic)
    Javascript (intermediate)
    Javascript (Basic)
    Python (Basic)
    Java (Basic)
  • On freeCodeCamp successfully archived certificate for the skills:
    JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structure
    Responsive Web Design.
  • On You Tube i have 280+ Subscribers and 7000+ views :
    Based on Education video related to coding.
  • Massive user reach: MixVistaTv Srupasses 500+ Active Users!
    Noteworthy Achievement: My TV app, MixVistaTV, boasts an impressive user base to 500+ enthusiasts, Showcasing its popularity and widespread adoption in the digital landscape.
  • M.tech in CSE :
    8.5/10 CGPA (2021-2023)
  • B.Tech in CSE :
    6.71/10 CGPA (2017-2021)
  • Class XII(IGHSOP) :
    69.8% (2016)
  • Class X (BSEB) :
    60.4% (2014)

My Services

Frontend Development

Using HTML, CSS and Javascript to create Frontend and Using React Framework to create interactive website.
Click Down to see some sample.

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Full Stack Development

Proficient in full-stack development, seamlessly combining front-end and back-end technologies to create comprehensive and dynamic web applications

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App Development

Developed a Pizza Ordering app in Android Studio using predefined templates for efficient implementation

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🚀 Enjoy seamless streaming, stunning visuals, and a user-friendly interface all in one app. visit on the website.


This website gives information about the the person Achievements, skills. visit on the website.

Parking Space Counter

The Goal of this project to construst a classifer system and good accuracy provide to the user. click on link to see the video.

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